Buy less, spend better

The SpagoWorld initiative vision focuses on the sustainable development of mission-critical applications for enterprises and organizations.

It’s all about project-oriented solutions, balancing the weights in the development phase.

In other words: it’s about asking customers to buy less and spend better.

Some days ago, I had a glance at a news referencing the world’s 50 most innovative companies in 2012. My attention was attracted by Patagonia, ranking 14th, according to the following reason: “for selling more by encouraging customers to buy less”.… Read the rest

About OSS adoption in Europe – An Italian point of view

Some days ago, Geoffrey Mobisson posted his blog with Open Source Notes from the Left Bank: OSS Adoption in Europe. In particular, he said: “Europe has so clearly established itself as the most dominating “consumer” of open source enterprise applications”.

Looking at his own reasons, I mostly agree with reason n.1 (i.e.: “The combination of cost sensitivity, government policy, and mistrust has led European government agencies to supremely value “control of their destinies”…perhaps more so than their US counterparts.… Read the rest