The need to constantly keep in touch with your communities

Here is the list of the events in which I’m participating in the fourth quarter of 2014. If you come, I’ll be very pleased to meet you. Main reason for participation is my need to keep in touch with my communities. This means: keep updated with what’s going on, contribute as you can and, mainly, meet people and prospects, strengthen relationships, and make new friends.

The first event was inspired by an open contribution supporting educational activities.… Read the rest

Proud to be three times OSI member

Recently I had the privilege to appear in the Member Profile section of the Open Source Initiative newsletter because I am the first person to be three-time OSI member in one go. As I serve OW2 community as a director, I’m the reference contact for OSI as OW2 Associate member. As the director of Engineering Group’s Open Source Competence Center, I’m the reference contact for OSI as a corporate sponsor.… Read the rest

Orgoglioso di essere tre volte affiliato ad OSI

Ho di recente avuto l’onore di comparire nella sezione Member Profile della newsletter di Open Source Initiative perché sono il primo membro ad essere affiliato per ben tre volte! Come direttore del consorzio OW2, sono il riferimento nel ruolo di OW2 Associate member. Come direttore del Centro di Competenza Open Source di Engineering, sono affiliato come corporate sponsor. Infine, all’ultima conferenza OSCON di Portland mi sono associato come individual member.… Read the rest

Productivity Intelligence: bridging the gap between developers and enterprise standards

[A previous post about Productivity Intelligence and 3D analysis is here. You can also see a presentation and read the use case. This article has been posted in Eclipse Newsletter – Project Quality – September 2014.]

What Productivity Intelligence is.

Engineering Group has adopted an innovative approach within its Software Labs to measure quality in development processes. This approach is named Productivity Intelligence for two reasons.

The former is related to the meaning of “productivity”.… Read the rest

Which relationship between enterprises and the free software community?

Finally, the paper supporting my speech at the 5th Italian Conference on Free Software, June 2011,  is available.

It includes many quotes coming from the Community track of fOSSa Conference 2010 – by the way, stay tuned with fOSSa 2011: registration will open soon! – and from the Open World Forum Paris, 2010 – come to Paris this week to hear the novelties at OWF 2011

The paper goes further on with some reflections about communities that I made in a previous post.… Read the rest