The need to constantly keep in touch with your communities

Here is the list of the events in which I’m participating in the fourth quarter of 2014. If you come, I’ll be very pleased to meet you. Main reason for participation is my need to keep in touch with my communities. This means: keep updated with what’s going on, contribute as you can and, mainly, meet people and prospects, strengthen relationships, and make new friends.

The first event was inspired by an open contribution supporting educational activities. Openness also means sharing your experience with other people, especially young students who are exploring their future in the business world.

On October 17th I’ll be in Perugia, Italy at ITET Capitini – V.Emanuele II- A. di Cambio – an Italian upper secondary school proving education on technological, economic and touristic subjects.

I’ll take part in a panel of experts to answer the students’ question: “What can I do with open data?” [You can see text of my speech in Italian here].

The last event is quite different: taking place on November 20th, SIMPDA 2014 is the 4th international symposium on data-driven process discovery and analysis in Milan, Italy. The title of my talk is: “A living story: measuring quality of developments in a large industrial software factory with Open Source Software”.

Business and Technology require a long learning path, from secondary school to university, and even at work. If you want to be proactive in the open source ecosystem you must have the ability to embrace both of them. I’m humbly trying to do so.

With academia in mind, let me invite you to a great event in Italy that is taking place in Naples, from 3rd to 6th November: ISSRE 2014 – the 25th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering. A colleague of mine will present my latest collaborative paper: “Fulvio Frati, Ernesto Damiani, Luigi Buglione, Daniele Gagliardi, Sergio Oltolina and Gabriele Ruffatti. Balanced Measurement Sets: Criteria for Improving Project Management Practices”.

As you can see, I am currently getting involved with quality in software processes, products and services, supporting Spago4Q, the SpagoBI analytic for Quality and Performance Improvement. This new paper introduces a methodology supported by a measurement framework that is iteratively refined and implemented through Spago4Q.

In relation to this, the Spago4Q team will be in Ludwigsburg, Germany, from 28th to 30th October, attending EclipseCon Europe. You can meet them and check the latest improvements of Spago4Q at the Project Quality Day.

Between these dates, I’ll attend the Open Source Week in Paris, France and stay there from October 30th to November 7th. Many events and meetings with OW2, my reference open source community! A great opportunity to meet people, network and start new relationships.

  • From 30th to 31st October: Open World Forum, the European summit to debate the technological, economic and social impacts that open source technologies bring to market.
  • November 3rd: OpenStack Summit opens with OW2 as the Community Partner.
  • November 4th: a one-day trip from Paris to Brussels to attend Cloud Computing and Software Consultation Workshop organized by the European Commission in the “Digital Agenda for Europe“ initiative. A great opportunity to promote open source software and give advice about future research priorities in the areas of Cloud Computing and Software, ahead of the H2020 ICT Work Programme adoption in Europe.
  • November 5th: OW2 promotes its open cloud infrastructure at OpenStack Summit.
  • November 6th : OW2Con 2014 – the annual OW2 event – a must to leverage the open source ecosystem in Europe.
  • November 7th: attending OW2 Board of Directors meeting.

What will happen next? What about 2015 and the USA? I’m planning a SpagoBI week in Washington and New York. But I’ll give you all details later. Stay tuned!

And what about my third open source community, i.e. OSI?

I hope to meet face-to-face with them again next year in the USA ( in Portland at OSCON next year too?). Stay tuned: in 2015 OSCON is taking place in Europe too, in Amsterdam!

As you can see, a long list of events.

I’d be very happy to meet you in person, but I know that anyway I can meet you anytime on the net. Keeping in touch with your open source communities is both a must and a need. It’s what enriches you and helps you grow faster.