Pure Open Source and Ecology of Value – Part II: the right approach

In my previous post Pure Open Source and Ecology of Value Part I: A new strategy: the ecological approach to the value I said that the new strategy hasn’t been planned a priori but it derives from the analysis of its results, growth and adaptation over time.

Now, it’s time to talk over the right approach.

I think we don’t need to reinvent the wheel, but to re-use what already exists.

At the beginning of this century, the Agile Development movement proposed the following approach (I’m using the Jim Highsmith layout): from a linear approach (plan – build – implement), through an evolutionary approach (build – plan – revise) to an agile approach (collaborate – speculate – learn).

Accordingly, who is feeding an ecosystem, creating opportunities and providing guidance, has to drive his effort in creating the right environment in order to drive a continuous growth toward innovation, anticipating the near future. It could happen avoiding any old top-down management approach, moving to new governance adaptive models based on bottom-up approaches, involvement of self-organized valuable resources and co-operative efforts.

Focus must be on four key-factors:

  • the organizational context
  • the community/network
  • education and research
  • value creation.

I’m going to write a new post about this topics soon.

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