Next FLOSS events in 2012 that you cannot miss, and I will attend!

I know that the following list may be perceived as self-referral since it includes events in which I will personally take part. However, my aim is also to encourage you to come, if you can. They will be great events. Not all information is available on the related websites yet. Therefore, as an insider, I’ll disclose some news. Stay tuned and keep an eye on the websites, where news are being updated frequently.

Open World Forum in Paris

It’s the only event of the list that is already over. Every year I particularly enjoy this event, since it offers a lot of networking opportunities and it allows me to check how the debate on some topics that interest me is going on. This year I gave a speech in the Legal Topics for Practical People agenda. I’m going to post some feedback on the event soon.

SpagoBI Open Day in New York

It’s a niche event, open to people willing to know why and how SpagoBI suite addresses business intelligence (or information management) needs and to understand why Open Source practically supports Open Business (it’s the topic of my speech in the agenda).

A correlated event, open to students, professors and researches, is scheduled on the previous day at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University.

South Tyrol Free Software Conference, Bolzano

I’m going there for the first time. I expect it to be an interesting event (I know that Simon Phipps will be one of the speakers!).

I’ll also take part in a GeoBI workshop a couple of days before, where I will share my vision on an Open Approach to Location Intelligence, Big and Open Data and Data Visualization (and SpagoBI suite with open GeoBI will be presented the following day). Agenda of SFScon 2012 is under construction.

OW2 Conference in Paris

Great agenda this year! Engineering has something to say in each of the main conference tracks: Big data (OW2 projects are moving fast on this topic), Open Cloud (a consolidated asset of OW2), Quality in Open Source (the new OW2 Quality Program is ready to be launched), User Stories and great keynotes (Big Data, Cloud, OpenSocial and the Lebanese e-government unit adopting OSS to innovate and improve relationships between public administration and citizens). Come and see!

fOSSa Conference in Lille

It’s my favourite event, indeed! What marks the difference between fOSSa and other events is the “air that you breath there”. An event organized by passionate people, with passionate attendees as well … and great speakers. Every year you can get some presentations of greater international events in advance (I remember the year of Arduino, to give you an example). There are some traditional tracks, every year renewed in contents: Education, Research and Innovation, Community Management. In 2012 new tracks are foSSarcheology, Digital Natives and Open Arts. I’m responsible for the Licensing track (Got it! Yes, it has been already done two times at OWF by Simon Phipps and EOLE organization: but this one will be based just on return on experiences: lawyers and counsels are forbidden!).

And if you think it’s not enough, you can register to workshops to attend hands-on sessions on open source projects (including SpagoBI!) or just come to listen to the energizing 7-7-7 sessions.

Last but not least, are you a researcher willing to understand how to make innovation happen, differently? Come to Italy to attend

ARcTIC 2012 in Bologna

Engineering Group and SpagoBI support this new event at its first edition. The agenda is on-line.

Looking forward to meeting you there!

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