Pure Open Source and Ecology of Value – Part II: keyfactor #1 – the organizational context

In my previous post Pure Open Source and Ecology of Value Part II: the right approach, my conclusion focused on four key-factors. The first one is the organizational context.

(I started this discussion with Pure Open Source and Ecology of Value Part I: A new strategy: the ecological approach to the value)

Who is willing to foster successful open initiatives must act feeding the environment with the right ingredients, managing people, practices, internal and external incentives, in order to help the entire system to learn how to feed itself.… Read the rest

About OSS adoption in Europe – An Italian point of view

Some days ago, Geoffrey Mobisson posted his blog with Open Source Notes from the Left Bank: OSS Adoption in Europe. In particular, he said: “Europe has so clearly established itself as the most dominating “consumer” of open source enterprise applications”.

Looking at his own reasons, I mostly agree with reason n.1 (i.e.: “The combination of cost sensitivity, government policy, and mistrust has led European government agencies to supremely value “control of their destinies”…perhaps more so than their US counterparts.… Read the rest